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Synergy CSI

Maximize customer satisfaction and optimize your shops by using a custom feedback system.

Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) provides helpful performance feedback and gives shop owners the opportunity to take action with any information they receive. Our team completes professional and courteous calls with a brief survey that gets the critical information needed from customers, without requiring more than a couple minutes.

Some of the advantages to using Synergy CSI include:

Get the most out of your Synergy Collision Management experience with out cost effective CSI Surveys! Our unbiased third-party survey team will allow your customers to share their experience freely without any pressure, and will give you accurate reviews that you can used to improve your shop, maximize customer retention, and increase referrals. With CSI, you will be able to reward your staff and take corrective actions where needed, ensuring excellence at all times due to our well-spaced call periods. Optimize your collision shop process, teamwork and customer satisfaction with Synergy CSI.

CSI Reports

Observe collective CSI survey data in the format and quantity that you need.

CSI Survey information can be generated into various reports through Synergy. Users can see reports in a detailed format or by graph depending on what data they are looking for. Detailed reports give an overview of a given set of surveys displaying customer information along with their responses. Graphs show customer satisfaction trends over a given period of time. Reports can be generated with each of the following search criteria:

Reports can be generated with each of the following search criteria: